Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I watched 'Wanted' last night. It made me think of how awesome it would be to drop everything I was doing, forget about the problems I was worrying about, erase the life I was living and be called for a higher purpose. It would be as if your slate was wiped clean and you were given a new life's mission to accomplish. One that had a deeper meaning. One that validated your existence.

It would be refreshing to know that you don't have to deal with your current struggles because that life's purpose is insignificant to what you were actually born to do. To know that you could leave that life behind in a heartbeat for a life more driven towards something worth living for is a dream that many grasp with hope that one day it will happen to them.

Then I realize, that day happened the second I let God into my heart. Everything was dropped, my problems were lifted up to Him, the life I lived was erased and I was reborn with a new, enriched life filled with His love; destined for a purpose that I understood as to why I am here……

To serve my God.

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